The evening sun cast dazzling pink atop an aerial cloud forest
While lower level puffs wore gray
It seemed I should be able
To reach out the window
And scoop handfuls
That would sit in my palms like mounds of whipped cream
Released from God’s unending charger
The forest gave way to a river flowing
Waves rolling
As I and my fellow passengers sailed high above
Short moments passed and the pink that had scattered
Gathered on the horizon
Marching in formation
Preparing to salute the end of another day
To the day and my new friends
I will not forget you, dear sisters far away
Who only days ago I did not know
But who are now ingrained in my heart
Part of my eternity
Soon the plane will dip below the cloud line
Where my family waits for my return
I will share with them our experiences
Our tears, laughter, songs and prayers…
And the goodies you so kindly sent
Now tucked inside my travel bag
I will think of you often
When I look to the sky and remember your sweetness
Like sparkling mounds of whipped cream